Sharan college has been known for its outstanding performance in the field of teacher education. The session commence with an orientation program along with imparting the modern education, the institution aims at the holistic development of its pupil – teacher through various cultural, literacy and extension activities. To identify the hidden talent and to develop self expression and confidence of its students, we organize talent search competition on a regular basis.

In order to promote democratic values, to develop leadership qualities among youth and to encourage student participation in the functioning of the college, a pupil teacher council has been formed at the college level so as to facilitate sharing of students opinions in den making. We have four houses formed, such as “Yamuna House”, “Iravati House”, “Chandrabhaga House” & “Vipsha House”

We also invite different experts and eminent academicians, to share their real life experiences with the students through various extension lectures. Also inter and intra college level competitions are also organized for the benefit of our students. Our most celebrated annual sports meet and annual events, offers our students an opportunity to showcase their hidden talent.
As a social responsibility, we also organize / motivate our students to participate / arrange various social awareness campaigns like “Rally on AIDS”, “Beti Bacho – Beti Padho”, “Heath & Hygiene road shows” and many more of this nature. Also educational tours are being organized for mental and physical rejuvenation.